
Bereavement Services

A life threatening illness affects not just the patient, but the family as well. Losing a loved one is a devastating experience that can leave people feeling lonely or unable to cope. Grief is a normal process but if grief is too much to bear, our expert team offers help and support. 

The Bereavement Counselors at Hospice of Scotland County are committed to the health and well-being of people anticipating or affected by the death of a loved one. Counselors offer a warm and caring presence so individuals and families can freely express their grief. It is our hope that through these helpful relationships, healing and readjustment can take place. 

Spiritual Services

Chaplains are members of the interdisciplinary hospice care team and will visit each patient within five days of admission. Following that initial meeting, chaplains and patients or the patient’s primary caregiver will determine the frequency of visits.

Hospice chaplains reflect our mission to provide comfort care using a holistic approach to healthcare. Spiritual care is critical to a person’s overall sense of well-being and comfort. While all people are not religious, all people are spiritual 

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